Quantum Healing & Reiki 75 Minute Session
A Powerful in-depth 75 minute Session as a 1 hour treatment, plus 15 minutes for a pre & post session chat. Sessions can be as a distant/remote healing via zoom or in-person in Chester. Appointment time includes a pre & post session chat which many clients need and like as part of the releasing & healing, I will also explain more about the session in the pre-session chat. If you require a distant/remote healing session, we don’t need to meet on a zoom if you prefer and I can leave you a voice note to tell you if anything in particular came up for healing & clearing.
A digital client intake form will need to be completed prior to your session where you can state if there is anything in particular you would like the energy healing to help with. For distant healings an up to date head shot photo will be required if you do not want to meet via zoom, plus you will need to be somewhere where you can sit and relax (or even sleeping) at your session time.
Please go to the Reiki & Quantum Healing section of the website for more detailed information about this session type.
You will be emailed within 48 hours of payment to arrange a suitable date and time for your session and I look forward to meeting you.
Samantha contact@samblaney.com / (0044) 7717 194402.