Root Cause Healing 1 Month Package

Root Cause Healing 1 Month Package

Click here to read more about Quantum Healing



Discover, understand and clear the Root Cause of an an issue or inner child wounds you maybe suffering with via a 1 Month Bespoke Package, which will be tailored to you, you can choose;

  • 1 or 2 powerful Energy Healing & Clearing Quantum, Reiki & Angelic Frequency Healing Sessions, 1x Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) approx 2 Hour Session which includes 1x Bespoke Hypno-Heal Recording to upgrade the mindset, 1x Inner Child Healing Session, Check-up Chats each time we meet, Handouts with tools & info, Guided Healing Meditation Recordings.
  • Sessions can be in-person in Upton-by-Chester or via ZOOM & Powerful Remote/Distant healings. Relax, Release, Receive, Renew & Upgrade. Please email to set up a discovery call where we will discuss the session types best for you and pricing.


​An example of your package could be seeing me once a week for a month to include;

  • 1x Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) approx 2/3 hour session (Please go to the Blog for further information about the RTT modality, click link on yellow button below). RTT is only available via this Root Cause 1 Month Package and this session is to work on an issue you want help with (I work with issues via RTT such as the root cause of inner child wounds, Lack of Self Belief / Self-Worth / Imposter Syndrome, Lack of Confidence, Lack Blocks, Fears, Limiting Beliefs holding you back and keeping you stuck such as I’m not enough, I’m not worthy, I’m not deserving, Money/success isn’t available to me. (Please NOTE I personally do not work with mental health issues or addictions via the RTT modality, however I can do quantum energy healing, reiki and an inner child healing journey session with whatever issue you are going through). An RTT session is optional, if you don’t want to experience regression you can instead choose a guided Hypno-Heal Meditation Session where you will still receive the Hypno-Heal Recording.
  • 1x Bespoke Transformational Hypno-Heal Recording, with positive suggestions & affirmations to upgrade the mindset & is a very important part of the RTT session, however if you do not want a full RTT session with regression, we can instead do a Bespoke Hypno-Heal Meditation Session for you where you will just relax, listen & receive. You will need to commit to listen to this recording everyday for 28 days, to upgrade your mindset with new positive beliefs, suggestions and affirmations.
  • 2x Powerful Quantum, Reiki, Angelic Frequency Energy Healing Sessions (in-person or as a powerful distant / remote / virtual healing & zoom chat or phone call). Healing treatment time will be approx approx 60 minutes, plus approx 30 minutes for a Pre check-up & Post treatment chat about anything in particular that came up for healing & clearing, followed by any tools & handouts needed and any actions you may need to take moving forward to keep your energies, mind and body in balance.   The Healing treatments will cover Limiting Beliefs, Chord removal, Chakra & Aura Clearing & Healing, Cellular Level Healing, Nervous System Healing & healing energy to any Physical issues you maybe experiencing, Energetic & Emotional block clearing, any Past Life or Ancestral issues that come up for some healing, plus anything that comes up for your highest good to have healing sent to and any specific or emotional issues or negative patterns you want to work on, which we can discuss in your initial Welcome Zoom Call.
  • 1x Inner Child Healing Session, which includes a Guided Visualisation Healing Meditation Process and Quantum Healing to the younger you.
  • Check-up Chats each time we meet with tools & handouts to equip you to keep your energies, mind and body in balance moving forward.
  • 2x Pre-recorded Healing & Clearing Meditations to use after you finish working with me to help keep yourself in better balance energetically.


During the Package I will be using the modalities Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), Quantum Healing & Reiki Energy Healing which includes Chakra & Aura Healing, Inner Child Healing & more, Guided Healing Meditations, A Bespoke hypno-heal meditation recording, plus check-up chats, handouts with tips and tools for you to use to keep your energies in balance moving forward.  This package will work on the mindset and limiting beliefs, the inner child, the physical, mental and emotional bodies, the chakras, the aura, and help release and heal old emotions and stuck energy.

We as humans have forgotten who we are, we need to re-connect with our higher selves, our inner self, our self love, self belief and divine consciousness and do daily spiritual hygiene tools, to raise our energy frequency vibration, which is the key to feeling in-balance, connected, content, calm and inner peace.

This Package is for you

  • If you have a particular issue you want to work on
  • You want to upgrade limiting beliefs, work on the inner child, release old blocked energies and emotional blocks keeping you stuck, fatigued, anxious, overwhelmed, worried, in fear, low, or in pain and keeping you in a lower energy vibration
  • Have energetic & emotional blocks, fears, limiting beliefs, negative thinking holding you back
  • Want to work through any lack blocks i.e. lack of abundance, lack of self belief, lack of self-love, lack of feeling worthy, enough or deserving etc
  • Would benefit from some information & tools to help you on your self growth journey, to re-balance, re-connect, expand & raise your energy frequency vibration


If you answered YES to any of the above, then this Package is for you

Are you ready to;

  • Upgrade to a more positive mindset
  • Experience positive change
  • Overcome limiting beliefs, negative thinking, old emotions & stuck energies holding you back
  • Feel more empowered & motivated
  • Reclaim you inner peace & calm
  • Open up to more self love, self care & spiritual connection


You can;

  • Discover, breakthrough & heal self limiting beliefs & old programs keeping you stuck in negative patterns and behaviours that no longer serve you
  • Know and believe you can upgrade your beliefs and thinking and you are ready to make the changes and take action to do so
  • Heal yourself from emotional blocks & suppressed emotions keeping you stuck
  • Value yourself enough to want to invest in YOU and your self-growth
  • Feel more connected, intuitive, empowered & motivated to take action on your needs, wants and goals
  • Bring your mindset, emotions and energy into balance which is the key to self healing
  • Raise your energy frequency vibration for spiritual expansion & deeper connection, so you can open up to the flow of love, abundance and use the immense power of your heart, thoughts & mind to attract what you choose


You will;

  • Clear out old limiting beliefs & upgrade your subconscious mind with more positive beliefs, suggestions & affirmations
  • Go through a healing on multi-dimensional levels – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually, clearing & healing what comes up as no longer serving you
  • Raise your energy vibration to feel more in-balance, calmer, content & healthier, leading to increased wellbeing, vitality, clarity, inner peace & self-love



Are you ready to invest in YOU?

If you are drawn to working with me and feel this Package is for you, then please do book in to have a chat with me, where we can discuss what you are struggling with, your intentions, session types required and ‘the investment in you’ price. If you choose the 1 month package, sessions will be weekly for a month and I do offer 5.30pm appointments if you are working during the day, if you prefer your 4 sessions fortnightly, we can work together over a 2 month period instead. To arrange a call, please either whats app or text (0044) 7717 194492 or email

If you are not quite sure if this 1 Month Package is for you, what I would suggest is to book in for an Quantum Healing & Reiki Energy Healing Session via appointments and try one of these amazing sessions first, and to see if you would like to continue on working with me. I can then also answer any questions you have about the 1 Month Package whilst you are with me and we can discuss what you would like to work on.  If you then decide you want to do the 1 Month Package within 1 week of the session date, we can class the Energy Healing Session as session 1 if you wish, so would be included in the package price.

During the month you are working with me, the powerful Quantum & Reiki Energy Healing sessions can take place in-person or as a powerful distant / remote session where we agree a date and time for you to relax at home or somewhere you will not be disturbed, and we can be on Zoom together for the whole session if you wish. Or we can get on zoom or what’s app for our Check-up / Guidance / What came up for healing and clearing chat after the treatment if you prefer. If in-person sessions in Chester UK, we will have a post treatment session chat straight after any Energy healing or RTT. Any Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) can also be in-person or over Zoom.



Invest in YOU

Email or message via Text, What’s app, Signal or Telegram (00 44) 7717 194402 to schedule a call to discuss the session types you would like in your 1 Month Package, to receive the cost, to ask any questions & to book in your first session.  Sessions can be via ZOOM or in-person.

Sam Blaney

Sam Blaney

Natural Healer


I am a natural healer based in Chester. I’m passionate about helping people self heal by overcoming limiting beliefs, emotional and energetic blocks to live an empowered life free of limitation.

As an accredited Quantum Healing Facilitator, qualified Reiki Master Practitioner and certified Rapid Transformational Therapist / Hypnotherapist (c.RTT, c.HYP), my mission is to help you heal emotional blocks, fears and limiting beliefs – to raise your energetic frequency vibration to create breakthroughs and help you feel more in-balance, content, motivated and connected, either via my 1 Month Package or through powerful energy healing sessions.  (I have also done trainings in Theta Healing, Meditation Teaching, Emotional Freedom Technique EFT, Access Consciousness and Angel Energy Healing, resulting in much self healing along my spiritual / learning journey, which allows me to channel powerful healing energies and frequencies and give useful tools and guidance).

DISCLAIMER: always consult a medical professional for acute infections, illness, injury & severe mental health issues.




Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy can lead to breakthroughs via hypnosis and an array of techniques and tools that are crucial in communicating with your subconscious mind, discovering and accessing the root cause of the issue you want to overcome, then releasing and upgrading the limiting beliefs, old emotions, feelings and pain that may still be held there. You cannot always heal what you don’t understand and RTT works by first understanding how you got your issue and then with understanding comes the power and choice to overcome them.

Using hypnosis to get in a relaxed state, clients are able to access the sub-conscious mind to locate the past events, limiting beliefs and past feelings at the root cause of the issue (there may also me other aspects at the root such as energy & emotional blocks and environmental factors to consider).  You could have formed these beliefs in childhood, during teenage years or as an adult, through experiencing mild or severe upsetting and/or fearful events, for example, negative critical comments, meanness, bullying, arguments, divorce, abuse, neglect, trauma, grief, relationship breakups, childhood needs not being met, abandonment, betrayal or rejection etc.

These old issues, beliefs and patterns have been working away in your subconscious mind, rather like a computer program running your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviours that absolutely no longer serve you today.

Once old limiting beliefs, feelings and patterns are identified and understood, we work on giving your mindset an upgrade, by installing new positive beliefs, empowering suggestions, statements and affirmations.

If you are in physical or emotional pain, RTT aims to deliver change and upgrades in just 1 to 3 sessions per issue.  You will also receive a bespoke transformational hypno-heal recording to listen to for 21 to 28 days post your RTT session, because the mind learns by repetition, so old habits can be broken and new ones formed. The healing element in your personal recording will activate the body and mind’s ability to start restoring itself to wellness.

RTT sessions with me can support the following:

  • Inner Child Healing
  • a lack of confidence
  • a lack of self-belief / self worth / self esteem / imposter syndrome
  • not feeling good enough
  • a lack of self love
  • known limiting beliefs holding you back such as i’m not worthy, i’m not enough, i’m not deserving, i’m not lovable etc
  • lack of abundance / money blocks
  • procrastination / lack of motivation
  • fears & phobias


Are you feeling fearful, held back and stuck?  Do you hold lack limiting beliefs? Or are you suffering with feeling not good enough, riddled with self doubt & playing small, feel like an imposter, lacking in confidence and self-belief and this holds you back in life? Do you want to breakthrough and heal the issue, root cause limiting beliefs and feelings around it so you can move forward?

Then along with your participation, I can help you to breakthrough your limiting beliefs holding you back, to feeling good enough to have more positive thinking around the issue you want to work on (which is the key…your thoughts, words and actions become your reality), along with increased clarity and empowered motivation to move forward in your life. You deserve to feel more content, more connected to self, more motivated, for life to flow much easier.  


There are three types of change that can be experienced with using the RTT modality;

  1. Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away – changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours occur during the session itself.
  2. Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.
  3. Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.


Are you feeling

ready for change – are you ready and committed to create a life free from limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and held back?

You would

love to create more balance in your life, feel more fulfilled and content, more motivated to take action on your goals, to feel more confident & empowered, to feel good enough, to have a calmer mind and to recode to more positive thinking, have more motivation & confidence to take action on your needs, wants, dreams & goals, to move forward in your life….Imagine how that would feel and look!

Know that

If you are feeling stuck, out of balance, un-motivated, un-confident, have lack blocks and limiting beliefs keeping you stuck and blocked, then change is possible. Invest in yourself today and work with me via my One Month Package.


Please note RTT is only available via the One Month Package, please email to book or to ask any questions you may have. (Please see the 1 Month Package Section for more information).


Please note people with Epilepsy or Personality type disorders should not undergo Hypnosis/RTT.  I personally do not work via the RTT modality with Complex PTSD, any severe mental health issues such as bi-polar depression, severe anxiety etc, ocd type disorders. If you do suffer from any of these issues, then you can still choose to have Reiki & Quantum Energy Healing Sessions with me, which are amazing for encouraging inner calm & relaxation of the body & mind and help release energetic & emotional blocks.


Compliance Notice:  RTT is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register, the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, the International Institute of Complementary Therapies and many other International bodies.